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Leadership and management skills

All training courses are offered as online events in English. Inhouse training also possible.

Course IDTitelInhaltDauerTeilnahmevorausetzungAbschlussartZertifizierungsbedingung
IC-809/06-E-01Successful Leadership Through Adaptation to Different Personalities• Foundation of personality styles based on the DISC model
• Self-reflection and self-awareness
• Adapting communication
• Understanding different personalities in the workplace
• Identifying the strengths and challenges of various personality styles
• Recognizing and purposefully leveraging different motivational factors
1 day
(8 hours)
No specific prerequisites requiredCertificate of ParticipationWithout certification option
IC-809/06-E-02Engaging Employees in Change and Successfully Navigating Through Transformation Processes• Leadership in times of change
• Communication as the key to change management
• Understanding the impact of change on employees
• Managing resistance, emotions, and conflicts during transformation
• Team participation and shaping the change process
• Employees as drivers of the change process
1 day
(8 hours)
No specific prerequisites requiredCertificate of ParticipationWithout certification option
IC-809/06-E-03Leadership 360°: Successfully Leading in a Multi-Generational Workforce• Utilizing flexible leadership methods to address the needs of different generations
• Understanding the values, expectations, and motivational factors of Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z
• Conflict management in a generational mix
• Fostering an open culture to encourage mutual understanding
• Leveraging generational diversity as an advantage
1 day
(8 hours)
No specific prerequisites requiredCertificate of ParticipationWithout certification option